The Link Between Maternal Health and Children’s Behavioural Problems

When thinking about child development, you may connect it to environment and genetics, but a very important factor includes maternal health. The links between maternal health and children’s behavioural problems has been widely researched, and has developed a lot over recent times. Although, it may be complicated to read research articles discussing these links or trying to make connections from these results. Here, we will discuss the two separately, their link, and answer possible questions you, as a mother, may have about your health and your child.

Maternal Health

Maternal health includes a person’s health during their pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum period. Each of these stages the maternal figure experiences should be overall positive, ensuring that they and their babies are healthy. It encompasses both mental and physical health of the maternal figure. Maternal injury and death usually face individuals who face inequalities and inadequate access to healthcare with no supportive environment. To prevent these outcomes, it is important to provide a supportive and safe environment to these maternal figures and ensure they have access to quality maternity healthcare.

Children’s Behavioural Problems

As a parent, you may find yourself surprised when your child starts displaying behavioural problems. You can see this manifest in your child being disruptive at school or at home. To understand how these behavioural problems can manifest in children, it is important to understand different ways this can be displayed. For example, if you see your child whining or acting out negatively to get attention, see them running away from tasks they do not want to do, being aggressive to other people, or are impulsive, these are some signs that your child is struggling with behavioural issues. If you are concerned about your child’s behavioural problems and how to address them, it may be a good idea to reach out for treatment and child therapy to help your child cope with what they are experiencing.

The Connection Between the Two

Identifying what maternal health and child behavioural problems are separately, now makes it easier to show the connection between them. Research has shown that pregnant women who have struggled with their health are more likely to have children that exhibit behavioural problems. Also, a positive maternal health experience would promote a secure attachment for their child, but maternal stress could affect the child’s brain development. These findings, along with many others, show the connection between the two. As a mother, you may feel the stress of having a positive pregnancy and postpartum experience to make the best outcome for your child.

These findings and connections may not be comforting, but it is possible to work toward a positive maternal health experience for your child and yours benefit. During your maternal health periods, it is important to include good nutrition, access to quality healthcare services specialized for maternity, and having a good support system. Also, if you feel your own mental health is suffering and this could affect your child in the future, therapy can be a great strategy to help you work toward a healthier mindset with coping mechanisms for stress. If your child is currently struggling with behavioural issues, and you feel this may be due to some maternal health issues, therapy can be a strategy for your child to work through these issues they are facing. 

If you think your child is currently struggling with behavioural issues, we are here to help.

Click “Book Now” to book your first 15-minute free consultation to help make your decision on if you think child therapy is right for your child struggling with behavioural problems. We are here to help you through your maternal health journey, and your child who may have been affected.


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